The gym for your mind
Level 2
Prachi Narayankar
Level 3
Sarvesh Kumbhar
Level 2
Yogesh Shettyar
Level 2
Jyoti Prajapati
Level 3
Akshar Kuthe
Level 4
Kushal Dharavikar
Level 4
Rishabh Patwa
An abacus is a calculation tool used by sliding counters along rods or grooves, used to perform mathematical functions. In addition to calculating the basic functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the abacus can calculate roots up to the cubic degree.
Complex calculations made easy with the Advanced Abacus training.
Abacus helps in improving memory retention in kids and increases their brain's computing capacity.
Solving difficult questions give a big Confidence Boost in the student
Solve all the maths problems thrown at you with accuracy and get more concise results.
Achieve unbelievable speeds in solving maths problems.
Solving Abacus problems gives a massive boost in your creativity as it requires problem solving and creative approaches to solve problems
Abacus increases your Intelligence Quota.
Concentration is increased when student is engaged in solving Abacus problems
Skyra Patil, Class 1
Khushi Patwa
Afrin Shaikh, Parent
Boost your child's Abacus journey now!